Thursday, October 1, 2009

Organic Molecules Group Presentations

In this project you will be preparing a presentation to teach your classmates about one of the four organic molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids. You will be making a 5 – 8 minute lesson on the molecule assigned to your group based on the following requirements.

§ Which elements are involved in the structure of your molecule?

§ Which functional groups are used to create your molecule?

§ What are the monomers and polymers that make up the molecule?

§ What are the functions of your molecule in living things?

§ Give some examples your molecule in living things.

§ Use drawings of the structure of your molecule in the presentation. Include both monomer and polymer structure if possible.


  1. mr. Coleman, will you be able to put the slide shows on this page?

  2. when will the essay questions be up mr.coleman

  3. For the lab report, on the hypothesis can we write them in like bullets because there's so many?
