Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Genetic Disease Project

During this project each student will be assigned a specific genetic disease to research and report on. While projects are being researched the class will be studying basic principles of genetics, which will give students a strong starting point for the project.

Project Due Date: Friday, January 9, 2009

Project: On the above due date you will turn in a typed information sheet about your chosen genetic disease and an informative poster.

This project will be counted as a 75 point grade.

My Assigned Genetic Disease: _________________________________________________________

Questions to be answered on the typed information sheet:

1. What is the name of your genetic disorder?
2. What chromosome is affected in this disorder (which #)?
3. What exactly happens to the chromosome to cause this disorder and how does this occur (feel free to add pictures to help your explanation)?
4. What are any possible risk factors for having a child with this disorder?
5. What is the effect of the genetic disorder on the body (what are the symptoms)?
6. How common is the disorder in the general population (statistics, births/year)?
7. Are males or females more affected by this disorder?
8. Does the disorder affect some population groups (nationalities, ethnic backgrounds etc) more than others or is the disorder more common in some parts of the world?
9. Is the disorder inherited? If so, is it dominant or recessive? Or is it more complicated than that?
10. In what ways is this person’s life affected by the disease?
11. What is the average life span of a person affected by this disorder?
12. Are there any treatments or therapies to make daily living easier for people afflicted by this disorder (how has this changed over time)?
13. What research has been done or is currently being done concerning this genetic disease?
14. What are two interesting facts that you learned about the disorder during research?

Information sheet:

The questions will be TYPED only.
Number the answers to the questions and double space between each new answer.
(5 points)
Answer all questions fully using complete sentences. If researched answers are incomplete points will be deducted. Seek extra help if you are having difficulty finding the answers to any of the questions.
(3 points each question = Total of 42 points for questions)
Your name and class period should be in the top corner.
Correct Grammar/spelling (4 points)
Literature Cited: A minimum of 2 sources is required (put citations at the bottom of information sheet). (4 points)

Include the following on your poster:

Name of genetic disease in large print (3 points)
At least FIVE pictures or drawings
(examples include: karyotype, chromosomes, symptoms) (5 points)
At least FIVE facts about the disease
NOT the whole typed information sheet! (5 points)
Student name and period on BACK of poster (2 points)
Make sure that all written words on the poster and all pictures are large enough so that
they can be seen from far away. Poster is colorful. Shows that good effort was put in to poster. Poster also needs to be full poster board size. (5 points)

*10 points will be taken off for each school day a project is late.

Genetics Extra Credit Project

5 points – Read and review three articles on current genetics issues. Articles may be found in newspapers (cut out) or online (printed). Review of each article must be at least one typed paragraph.

10 points – Watch and review Gattaca or The Island. Type a one to two page review of either movie, focusing on the genetics (accuracy of the science involved) and the ethics (right or wrong) issues.

15 points – Read and review Michael Crichton’s book Next. Review should be a two to three page paper discussing the genetics an ethical issues discussed in the book, not a book report.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Odyssey Part III and IV Essay Questions

As always, for this test you will be writing a 3-5 paragraph essay on either one of the following topics. Don't forget that the best essays use SPECIFIC AND RELEVANT examples to support their points.

1. How does Telemachus grow and mature throughout Part III and IV of the Odyssey? For this essay, you need to discuss how Telemachus was introduced as well as the steps he took to mature into an adult.

2. How is Penelope a worthy wife and partner for Odysseus? For this essay, you need to discuss the different qualities and characteristics Penelope possesses and how they match up to those qualities of Odysseus.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Biology Unit 5 Essay

Honors Biology Unit 5: Mitosis

Essay Question

For this unit there will be only one essay option. This will be a 5 paragraph essay. This essay will be prepared outside of class and typed, in class, on Monday, December 14, 2009. You will be allowed to use an outline; however, the outline must be attached to the essay to receive credit. This will count as the test grade for this unit, worth 30 points.

Based on your knowledge of cell functioning and the cell cycle, explain why there are so many different types of cancer that affect the human body?

Ideas for discussion in the essay:
• What is the role of cell specialization?
• What is cancer’s affect on the cell cycle?
• Why do normal cells divide?
• How is the regulation of mitosis affected?
• What are some of the causes of cancer?
• What are some of the treatments of cancer?