Friday, October 23, 2009

Edible Cells Project Rubric

Hi kids,

Mr. Coleman ask me if I could find a solution to the problem with the links on the side for this project. You should just be able to click on the picture to bring up the rubric as a jpeg file. Hopefully this should work.

Mr. Harris


  1. wow Mr. Harris you are just so smart first the smartboard now this whats next?

  2. does anyone know what needs to be on the poster board for this project? i lost the handout that told me. i know it needs what you are using for the organelles, but i don't know what else needs to be on there.

  3. It has to have a key of the organelles, and a descritption of the functions.

  4. Does it have to have a picture of the cell on it?

  5. It would help to have a picture of the a cell on the poster, but it is not required.

    And Kayla is correct, the poster need to have a key of what foods are representing each organelle and a description of the functions of each organelle.
