Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mr. Harris' Short Story Test Essay Topics

For the Short Story Unit test half of your test will be made up of an essay question. In order to make sure that you write accurate, specific, and relevant responses to the question asked, I am giving you the 3 questions in advanced. You are expected to be able to answer all 3 questions, but you will only be asked 1. The essay must be between 3 to 5 paragraphs. Good luck!
  • In “Gaston” and “The Lady, or the Tiger?”, the main characters are torn between two decisions. Choose one of these short stories and explain how their decision helps to demonstrate the theme of that story.
  • In “The Necklace” and “Harrison Bergeron”, some of the characters change. Others do not. Choose one of these short stories and explain how the change (or lack there of) is used by the author to help express the theme.
  • In “The Most Dangerous Game” and “The Cask of Amontillado”, characters are killed in one form or another. Choose one of these short stories and explain how the author uses the violent conflict between the major characters to illustrate his theme.
Feel free to discuss any of the topics in the comments section linked to this post. The more discussion generated, the better answers you may have.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. on the short answer questions on the test, are they about all six stories? and is there any irony on the test?

  3. Does anyone know the theme for "The Lady, or the Tiger?" I'm not excatly sure what it is

  4. What are the themes for the stories?

  5. Hey people whats the second one?

  6. How do u answer number 2? i no we went over it in class, but now that i think about it, im really confused. please help. thanks.

  7. hey anybody thats in colemans honors bio class,can we do the hypothesis in bullets?

  8. what is the circle of existence and is it the same as nirvana or the way of ways?
